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Starkey Picasso CIC i1000

The Starkey Piccaso CIC i1000 provides the most filters and programs, making these devices ideal for those with active lifestyles. The additional processing channels in the Picasso i1000 will deliver quality sound in any environment, including industrial settings, large crowds, and concerts. If you enjoy noisy outings such as these, the Starkey Picasso i1000 may be the hearing aid for you.




The Starkey Picasso CIC i1000 is a high-end, completely-in-canal (CIC) hearing aid. This means it fits deep inside your ear canal, making it very discreet. Here are some of its features:

  • Acuity OS 2: This is Starkey’s newest operating system, which is designed to provide better sound quality and speech understanding.
  • 10 Channels and 10 Bands: This allows for more precise control over the amplification of different frequencies.
  • Directional Processing: This feature helps to focus on speech coming from directly in front of you, while reducing background noise.
  • Whistlefree Feedback Cancellation: This helps to eliminate annoying whistling sounds that can sometimes occur with hearing aids.
  • Speech Compression: This feature can help to make soft speech sounds louder, while keeping loud sounds comfortable.
  • Multiflex Tinnitus Technology: This feature can help to relieve tinnitus symptoms by generating soothing sounds.
  • Wireless Connectivity: The Picasso i1000 can connect to smartphones and other devices for streaming audio and making adjustments. It likely uses 900 MHz Wireless Technology for this according to some sources.


  • It comes in a variety of different colors to blend in with your skin tone.
  • It’s controlled through the Thrive app which allows for features like:
    • Volume and program adjustments
    • Mask Mode to help understand people wearing masks
    • Find My Phone and other assistive features

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • As with any hearing aid, it is best to consult with a hearing professional to see if the Starkey Picasso CIC i1000 is right for you.
  • The exact features may vary depending on your specific needs and programming by your hearing professional.


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