Shono Bangladesh

Online Test

Online Test

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Many children do not develop communication skills similar to their peers. We can assist your child to learn to communicate their needs and wants effectively. We have highly qualified speech-language pathologists with vast experience who can help your child progress.

Hearing loss usually begins unnoticed. Even simple conversations can be very tiring for people with hearing loss. Many facets of everyday life become increasingly more difficult. Conversations with loved ones, meetings, phone calls and watching TV can be particularly challenging. In many cases, people with hearing loss will withdraw and become socially isolated. Their quality of life diminishes noticeably. Hearing loss can have many causes. But in most cases, hearing loss can be addressed successfully.

Treatment may involve a variety of specialized techniques including exercise therapy, postural, gait, balance and co-ordination re-training; and manual mobilization and/or manipulation of tissues and joints. Our physiotherapists have the knowledge, training and expertise to assess, diagnose and help your problem.
Occupational therapy (OT) is a branch of health care that helps people of all ages who have physical, sensory, or cognitive problems. OT can help them regain independence in all areas of their lives.
Our physiotherapists have the knowledge, training and expertise to assess, diagnose and help your problem.
Auditory Verbal therapy is a highly specialist early intervention programme that equips parents with the skills to maximise their deaf child’s speech and language development. The Auditory-Verbal approach stimulates auditory brain development and enables deaf children with hearing aids and cochlear implants to make sense of the sound relayed by their devices.

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