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Resound Enzo Quattro 9 BTE

The ENZO Quattro 9 is the premium, 5-star hearing aid within the ENZO Quattro family, specifically for high-power, profound users! Description Exceptional sound quality Confidence starts…





The Resound Enzo Quattro 9 BTE is a powerful hearing aid designed for people with severe to profound hearing loss. It is packed with features that can help you hear better in a variety of situations.

Here are some of the key features of the Resound Enzo Quattro 9 BTE:

  • 17 WARPâ„¢ Processing Channels: These channels help to provide more natural sound quality by separating different sounds and frequencies.
  • Ultimate Noise Tracker II: This system reduces background noise so you can focus on the sounds you want to hear.
  • Ultimate Expansion: This feature improves sound quality in quiet situations by reducing amplification of microphone noise and other very soft sounds.
  • Ultimate Wind Guard: This system recognizes and reduces annoying wind noise.
  • Binaural Directionality III: This feature cancels out loud sounds behind the wearer, reducing background noise and improving forward-facing focus, especially speech.
  • 4 Fully Flexible Programs: You can customize these programs to fit your listening needs in different environments.
  • Synchronized Volume & Push Button: This feature allows you to control the volume of both hearing aids at the same time with a single push button.
  • Natural Directionality II: This system helps you to hear speech more clearly in noisy environments by focusing on the sounds coming from in front of you.
  • DFS Ultraâ„¢ II with Music Mode: This feature helps to reduce feedback and whistling, even when you are streaming audio or using your phone.
  • Music Mode: This mode is specifically designed for listening to music.
  • Auto DFS: This feature automatically adjusts the level of feedback reduction to prevent whistling and squealing.
  • Soft Switching: This feature allows you to smoothly switch between different listening programs.
  • Comfort Phone: This feature makes it easier to hear phone conversations by reducing background noise and increasing the volume of the caller’s voice.
  • Directional Mix Processor: This feature helps you to hear speech more clearly in noisy environments by focusing on the sounds coming from in front of you.
  • Sound Shaper: This feature allows you to personalize your hearing experience by adjusting the sound quality to your preferences.
  • Tinnitus Sound Generator with Nature Sounds: This feature can help to relieve tinnitus symptoms by generating soothing sounds that mask the ringing or buzzing in your ears.
  • Smart Start: This feature automatically turns on your hearing aids when you put them in your ears.
  • Phone Now: This feature allows you to easily stream audio from your phone to your hearing aids.
  • Ear-to-Ear Communication: This feature allows your hearing aids to communicate with each other, which can improve sound quality and clarity.

With so many features to choose from, the Resound Enzo Quattro 9 BTE can be customized to meet your individual hearing needs. If you are looking for a powerful and feature-rich hearing aid, the Resound Enzo Quattro 9 BTE is a great option to consider.

Here are some additional resources that you may find helpful:

  • Resound Enzo Q website: [Resound Enzo Q hearing aids ON GN ReSound]
  • The Hearing Experts: GN Resound Enzo 9 BTE [GN Resound Enzo 9 BTE hearing aid]


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