Shono Bangladesh

Shono Bangladesh
New Born Hearing Screening

Your baby cannot tell you if he or she can’t hear your voice or Grandma’s lullaby. As many as 12,000 babies are born in the United States each year with hearing loss.

Some things a baby with normal hearing
should be able to do.

Birth to 3 Months of Age

• Blinks or jumps when there is a sudden, loud noise
• Quiets or smiles when spoken to
• Makes sounds like “ohh” and “ahh”

3 to 6 Months of Age

• Looks for sounds with eyes
• Starts babbling
• Uses many sounds, squeals, and chuckles

6 to 9 Months of Age

• Turns head toward loud sounds
• Understands “no-no” or “bye-bye”
• Babbles, for example “ba-ba”, “ma-ma” and “ga-ga”

9 to 12 Months of Age

• Repeats simple words and sounds you make
• Correctly uses “ma-ma” or “da-da”
• Responds to singing or music
• Points to favorite toys and objects when asked

If you have questions about your baby’s hearing or this brochure, you may get more information by contacting:

  • Shono Bangladesh NBHS Program – 307-721-6212
  • Shono Bangladesh Department of Audiology (Electrophysiological Tests Unit)
  • Your baby’s health care provider

Why should my baby's hearing be screened?

• More than half of babies born with hearing problems are healthy and
have no family history of hearing loss.
• To be sure we identify every baby with hearing loss, birthing hospitals in
Wyoming are required to screen babies for hearing loss.
• It is important to find hearing loss as soon as possible. The first six
months of life are critical to the development of normal language and
speech. Early identification and intervention are the keys.
• The screening is safe, painless, and takes about 10 minutes.
• Most babies sleep through the screening.
• You will get the results as soon as the screening is completed.

What if my baby does not pass the screening?

It is important that you follow through with any recommendations
made by your Hospital Staff, Physician, Child Development
Center Staff, EHDI Program Staff, and/or Audiologist.

If your baby does not pass the hearing screening,
immediate follow-up is very important!
Early Hearing Detection and Intervention “1, 3, 6”

1 Hearing Screening is completed by one month of age.
3 Hearing Evaluation is completed by three months of age.
6 Early Intervention Plan is in place by six months of age.

Can a newborn baby pass the hearing screening and still develop hearing loss?

Yes, the screening confirms
that your baby can hear at the
time of the screening. Some
babies may lose their hearing
later because of:
• Some illnesses
• Some medicines
• Family history of hearing loss
• Multiple ear infections

Is your child "At Risk" for developing hearing loss at a later age?

The following are Risk Factors often associated with infant and
childhood hearing loss. If you check one or more boxes below, your
child may be at risk for hearing loss.

Family history of children with hearing loss.
Head, face, or ears may be shaped or formed in a different way than
Bad injury to the head (that needed medical care).
Ear infections with fluid that last more than four months.
Spent 48 hours or more in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).
Has a neurological disorder that is associated with hearing loss (check
with your health care provider).
Exposed to infection before birth.
Infection around the brain and spinal cord caused by bacteria
(Bacterial Meningitis).
Bad jaundice (Hyperbilirubinemia) in babies that needed a special
procedure (Exchange Transfusion).
You are worried about your child’s hearing.