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Starkey Soundlens IQ i2400

Starkey Soundlens IQ 2400 is the top specification in this family.  Hailed as the most advanced technology available, within their invisible collections.  It is the world’s smallest bespoke hearing aid that gives you comfort, advanced features and clear reliable sound every day.




Details & Features

Starkey Soundlens IQ 2400 Hearing Aids

Available in:  IIC IIC

Starkey Soundlens IQ 2400 is the top specification in this family.  Hailed as the most advanced technology available, within their invisible collections.  It is the world’s smallest bespoke hearing aid that gives you comfort, advanced features and clear reliable sound every day.

But, is this hearing aid right for you?  Here are a few features to factor in:


The SoundLens IQ is invisible and discreet, as it fits deep within your ear canal.  They are tailored to the shape of your inner-ear, so you get maximum comfort all day long.


You can control all aspects of your hearing aids by easily adjusting your settings so that your brain adapts to new sound exposures.


With the advanced nature of the technology included, enjoy wireless streaming with your TV, music and other devices – using the SurfLink and Mobile 2 accessories.


The sound comfort technology within ensures feedback-free, whistle-free and buzz-free sound.  Together with the feedback cancellation feature, you will obtain ultimate clarity.  The Multi-Flex Tinnitus Technology brings relief to tinnitus sufferers quickly and successfully.


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